jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Diseño de teselados con Geogebra

En clase, decidimos hacer teselados. Para empezar y conocer más sobre el tema, visitamos la página del Plan Ceibal, y exploramos la parte de teselaciones.

El primero que hicimos fue un teselado regular, que es un patrón que se forma repitiendo un polígono regular, como el ejemplo de abajo.

Después, continuamos con los teselados semi-regulares. Estos se obtienen combinando dos o más polígonos regulares.
Luego, hicimos teselados demi-regulares. Están formados usando los 3 regulares y los 8 semi-regulares.
Finalmente, pasamos a los teselados irregulares. Están construidos a partir de polígonos regulares e irregulares. La distribución de los polígonos en los distintos vértices es cíclica, pueden darse 3, 4, 5 y más distribuciones.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

El huevo flotante

En el laboratorio hicimos un experimento. En un tarro pusimos agua y después agregamos un huevo delicadamente.  Para que flotara, le agregamos sal. Al principio,  no pasaba nada, pero luego, al agregar mucho soluto, sal, al solvente, agua, pudimos observar la flotabilidad del huevo, porque el agua tenia más densidad.
 Para volver hacia atrás, y hacer que el huevo deje de flotar y vuelva al fondo, le agregamos más agua a la solución.

Abajo,  se puede ver un video de fotos de la experiencia.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

El Mar Muerto

El siguiente mapa muestra la ubicación del Mar Muerto y algunos datos acerca del mismo, por que este mar es conocido, y como, sus características afectan a la biodiversidad.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

The worker bee and the lazy bee

There were two little and beautiful bees, they were very little, one was the very worker and the other was very lazy. Their names were Bessie and the other was Carla, the worker bee was Beesie and the lazy was Carla. They lived I a panel on a beautiful place, it was wonderful, with a lot of trees and grass, it was a forest. They were very good friends. Bessie flew all the day and worked a lot to produce honey. Carla stayed on her house doing nothing. Beesie hated Carla’s attitude.

Bessie worked day and night, when she flew to collect the pollen, she never went to the same flowers, because she loved all. Carla, who was one of her best friends, never help or do something, she said that she would do it in the last time, but she never did it, Bessie wanted to help her, because Bessie was a good friend and she always help her friends, but Carla was a lazy bee, too lazy to be helped.

One year there was a terrible weather during a very long period, there were many windstorms that impeded flying around to collect pollen. This wasn't a problem for Beesie, because she always worked.  But this, was a problem for Carla because she leaved all her work, and never expected these terrible storms. Beesie and her family had a lot of food and a lot of pollen to work with, enough for all these months that they couldn't collect any pollen to produce honey and they couldn't collect any food. But Carla, all the way around.  She starved and begged for some food, and some pollen, to work and collect money. But nobody gave it to her because she was very lazy.

Beesie wanted to help Carla, because she didn’t want to see one of her friends suffering. Bessie’s family thought that she didn’t have to help her friend, because that would be unfair. After the worker bee told her family she didn’t want to see one of her friends suffering, she let her go in to her house and they drank hot chocolate and ate a honey pie. In the table were lot of things, they ate lots of things and they talk and laugh a lot. In a moment the time to go came, Beesie say to Carla this couldn’t repeated again, that she had to work during all the year because if not in the winter this will happen again and again.

 After the storm passed Beesie and Carla worked together helping other animals, searching for food and flowers to make honey to sell. So Carla, in consequence, learned that she has to work hard if she doesn’t want to need help again.

Moral: if you have to do something that can help you I the future and you have time, do I, because you don’t know what things can happen in the future you can do it today. In addition maybe you forget to do it and you will keep saying to yourself to do it another day until is too late to do something (as Carla in this story)

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

¿Qué y para qué usamos las TIC?

La siguiente tabla muestra todas las herramientas y redes sociales que utilice hasta el momento para aprender en el colegio.

Para que


Para presentar información con texto e imagen, de una manera sencilla.
Para crear un mural colaborativo o no, mostrando los trabajos
Localizar información en mapas
Reproducir, descargar y compartir audios
Crear infografías
Generar mapas conceptuales

Redes sociales


Publicar nuestras producciones

Compartir y guardar imágenes
Mosaicos (Plástica)