martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014
De principio a fin
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
Historical Narrative
The flood
In April 2, 2013, a heavy rainfall caused a severe flood that broke a record for April in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina accumulating 190 mm, two times the usual amount of rainfall expected for the whole month, in a period of just 4 hours.
Why did it this happened?
It is thought that the main causes of the flood were due to the fact that the drainage system wasn’t working properly, there are immediate climate changes and the city is growing without an environmental conscience. But there are other causes that could have helped the flood develop, such as the accumulation of rubbish on the drains and the deforestation in the North of Argentina.
This lasted 1 day (from April 2 - 3), but it affected more than 19000 people, at least 70000 houses were invaded by the water and more than 500 millions of pesos were lost. It also took away with it what at first was thought of 54 lives, but this year, 2014, it was confirmed that the flood ate 89 bodies.
We asked different questions to people that had experienced the catastrophe: What did you do when you saw the water? ‘’The first thing I thought when I saw the water was to go and look for my children and see how we could save our lives so we didn't drowned. At that time I couldn't think of anything, I did everything I could. Then, you think about all the things you lost and it hurts, although we are lucky that we didn’t died DIE." says Natalia Rivero.
Have you lost your things? How do you feel about that? ‘’It was one of the most horrible things I have ever experienced. I saw how my house was swallowed by the water, even my pets. When I think about all the things that I lost and that if I had reacted some minutes sooner I could have saved everything, I feel stupid and empty inside, but then, I remember that I haven't lost my life. That would have been terrible for me and for my family. Luckily, I haven't lost any member of my family or any friends. Some people lost their whole family and are now alone, without a place to live. My sister is very lucky because the water didn't reach her neighborhood. I’m now living with her and her family. At least, I have a place to live.’’, Carlos Fernández shares his experience with us.
Millions of people from different parts of the country were moved by the victims of the catastrophe. Many of them donated clothes, food, and everything they could to make the recovery of their lives easier.
We asked a victim how she felt about this: "It was incredible, we were receiving help from millions of people. Words are not enough to say how I felt about the solidarity of the people we didn't even know. Also, it made me remember that we were not alone in the recovery," says victim Daniela Martínez about the help she received. The only good thing that brought the catastrophe was the solidarity of the country.
Let's pray for everyone who lost things, specially for the ones who lost their lives and their families. Let's hope this doesn't happen again.
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014
The creation of the lions
1- What were the names of the animals?
2- Who saved them?
3- Who was the god that sent them saviour?
1- The names of the animals were Jim, Jam, Jeff and July.
2- The lions sent by Hammurabi saved them.
3- The name of the god was Hammurabi.
Katomba's myth
Katomba was son of the great god Zeus. He was the god of the seas. He always helped mortals to make their lives with the seas easier and rarely got angry with them, he was one of the kindest gods ever. He loved his job, as everyone in the Olympus did. Everyone except for his brother, Poseidon. Poseidon was the god of the wind, but for him, this job was very unexciting and difficult. He wanted to be the god of the seas since he was young, but Katomba already was.
He thought of many ways to steal Katomba's job, but all his plans were useless. But one day he thought of a great game to fool his brother, this plan could never fail.
One day Katomba was very cheerful and wanted to found a god to play with. And on top of a cloud, Poseidon his brother, was also searching for someone to play with. In that moment he heard “Poseidon, Poseidon! Let's play a game”.
He went down and found Katomba that was waiting for him. In that moment poseidon said "We will play the trunk game", that consisted on getting into a trunk that Poseidon made; The objective was to resist as much time as it could to win the game.But what Katomba and the other gods didn't know was that the Winner would change powers with the Looser. When it finished Poseidon won and Katomba loose, the eldest brother said “Now yo u are the wind god and I am ocean god!!!! Thank you for playing my beautiful game, brother".
Katomba was furious. He was fooled by his own brother, but soon he had an idea: his father could return him to his beautiful, sunny coasts. He thought it was going to be very easy to convince him, but it wasn´t. Apparently, his oldest brother, Poseidon, was better than him making waves and pushing boats, and that was what make Zeus don´t allow Katomba return to his old job. But finally he makes a decision he make his son the God of a powder that was spread in the center of the Pangea. This giant piece of land, as many people know nowadays, started to divide throughout the years and this light-brown powder was spread in some of the coast of what now are continents. Letting Katomba be near his brother , the seas, with the shape of “Sand”.
By: Nazarena Ballesteros, Martín Errarte and Agustina Rivarola.
lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014
Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico
domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014
Policlínico Vírgen de Guadalupe
El día martes 21/10 establecimos una conexión vía Hangouts con el doctor José Vega Chanchafé. El dr. se encuentra en Mongomo, Guienea Ecuatorial trabajando en el Policlínico Vírgen de Guadalupe de Mongomo como pediatra.
Durante la charla, el doctor contó acerca de las enfermedades m ás frecuentes, enfermedades que no se ecuentran en la Argentina, sus experiencias como médico en África entre otras cosas.
martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014
¿Qué es el Ébola?
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014
Travail spécial d' intégration
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
Poesía reutilizada
Pensá antes de tirar
El objetivo del taller es promover el cuidados del medio ambiente, y enseñarle a los chicos que no todo lo que ya no usamos es realmente basura, y a esta se la puede transformar en otra cosa.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014
El estudiante comprometido
Justo a tiempo siempre llego
Yo en el frente me siento
Con mucho sueño de sobra
Pero prestando atención
Para no perderme de ninguna lección
Ya después mejor me siento
Cumpliendo con mis tareas
Haciendo todo lo posible
Pero dejar de mirar el reloj no puedo
Responsable siempre soy
Por lo menos es lo que yo pienso
Disfrutando con amigos
Con buena cara siempre estoy
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014
Diseño de teselados con Geogebra
El primero que hicimos fue un teselado regular, que es un patrón que se forma repitiendo un polígono regular, como el ejemplo de abajo.
Después, continuamos con los teselados semi-regulares. Estos se obtienen combinando dos o más polígonos regulares.
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014
El huevo flotante
Abajo, se puede ver un video de fotos de la experiencia.
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014
El Mar Muerto
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014
The worker bee and the lazy bee
jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014
¿Qué y para qué usamos las TIC?
Para que
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Para presentar información con texto e imagen, de una manera sencilla.
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Para crear un mural colaborativo o no, mostrando los trabajos
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Localizar información en mapas
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Reproducir, descargar y compartir audios
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Crear infografías
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Generar mapas conceptuales
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Redes sociales
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Publicar nuestras producciones
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Compartir y guardar imágenes
Mosaicos (Plástica)
lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014
Música reutilizada
martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
Otro día de mi vida
jueves, 17 de julio de 2014
Creative Writing Task
I looked around, but all I saw were strangers screaming and cheering. Then I felt someone touching my back. I tried to escape, but I was tied to a tent.
'Who are you? Stop touching me!' Againg, I had no answer, but instead, a woman shouted and ran away. Why? I asked that to a man that was with me, but he had the same reaction as the woman.
Then I looked down, and I saw it. Two white legs. I tried to touch my face, but I couldn't. 'What a beautiful horse' a little girl said pointing at me. I had my answer: I was a horse. I felt very dissapointed because I was a horse, and I couldn't find Steve.
A teenager that called himself "Sir Robert's squire" untied me and took me to a knight. While I was walking I saw another knight, who was holding a stick. I knew what was going on here; I was the horse of that knight the squire took me to, and we were going to fight in a joust against that knight everyone called "Sir Bevis".
I wasn'y scared at all because, well, I was just the horse, and also, I think is safe to have a little bit of action and excitement once in a while. Suddenly someone jumped to my back. I figured out it was Sir Robert because the squire called him "Sir Robert".
I heard they were talking about the joust. Then a voice from my back said 'Where is Max now that I need him?'. Was he referring to me? Was that Steve? I wasn't very de sure. 'Right here, and you have my full support' I replied anyway, in a deep voice. I was very happy I finally found my friend.
martes, 15 de julio de 2014
¿Seguimos así?
En esta carta el jefe, como no tenían otra opción, pide que cuiden de esas tierras como las había cuidado cada persona que había vivido allí. Dice que cada parte de esas tierras son sagradas. El hombre blanco al comprarlas las destruiría y las explotaría, matando a las especies del lugar y, posiblemente llevándolas en un futuro a un riesgo de extinción, y se perdería el ecosistema y parte de la biodiversidad.
Yo creo que estos mismos problemas ocurren hoy en día, ya que el principal foco de las personas es el dinero, y no se le da tanta importancia a lo que realmente debería importarnos, la naturaleza. Entonces, se puede decir que no estamos viviendo la vida, sino la supervivencia.
Formal Letter
jueves, 10 de julio de 2014
¿Un continente más?
Se está acumulando plástico en varios puntos del océano, y somos todos nosotros, habitantes del planeta Tierra, los que lo estamos dejando ocurrir. Este problema empezó hace ya algunas décadas, por la mala administración de la basura y los residuos tierra adentro y está afectando al océano.
También me preocupó que algunos expertos estén hablando de un séptimo continente. Pero según Carlos Duarte, un investigador, no es más que una exageración. Duarte también hizo una expedición alrededor del mundo para medir la salud de los océanos.
A mí, igualmente, me sigue preocupando que este problema avance hasta el punto en el que no se pueda controlar más.
domingo, 29 de junio de 2014
Problemas ambientales de origen social: El caso de las Islas Maldivas
Querida persona que encuentre esta carta:
Soy Dilshad Asaad y vivo en las Islas Maldivas. En este momento estamos sufriendo un problema ambiental causado por el hombre: el deshielo. El nivel del mar está aumentando, y nuestro país está a no más de 2 metros del nivel del mar. Si esto no acaba mi querido país quedará bajo el agua y todos sus habitantes, también. No sabemos a donde ir porque no tenemos suficiente dinero, ya que vivimos del turismo principalmente, y nadie comprara nuestras casas porque, hasta donde sé, todo el mundo esta informado de nuestro problema.
Por favor comunique este mensaje a las grandes empresas para que tomen conciencia y todos juntos podamos construir un ambiente sustentable. Hoy necesitamos su ayuda, la ayuda de todo el mundo, para que el hogar de más de 300.000 personas quede a salvo de las grandes olas.
Todo un país entero les agradece.
Dilshad Asaad
martes, 24 de junio de 2014
Descripción de un personaje
Ella tenía cabellos abundantes color negro azabache, ojos pardos oscuros, una mirada franca, una risa cantarina y era simpática.
Opino que su comportamiento es tranquilo y correcto, yo en su lugar también tendría miedo; y lo hubiera denunciado.
Crimen y misterio
lunes, 23 de junio de 2014
viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014
Observadores del presente
martes, 20 de mayo de 2014
Pequeñas acciones, gran cambio
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
Informal Letter
Dear Joe (Braling),
Hi. How are you? I have a big problem, and I think you cn help me with it.
Do you remember the night you told me about Marionettes, Inc.? I was thinking of making one for me. As Nettie was asleep, I went immediately to take some money for the marionette but there were $10,000 missing from our saved money. What I'm saying is that Nettie is marionette! I don't know how long it has been since she left me with the marionette. I can't believe she made something like that, have you ever told her something about Marionettes, Inc.?
Please I need some help! But apart from this I'm very happy you're going to Rio. I hope you have a great time in the holidays that you deserve.
Best wishes.
Michael (Smith)
lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014
¿Qué son?
miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014
Análisis de las enfermedades
martes, 29 de abril de 2014
¿Que es la salud para ustedes?
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014
El Heroísmo
Luis Alejandro Velasco opinaba que solo era considerado un héroe por no dejarse morir durante 10 días en una balsa sin comer ni beber. No hizo nada para serlo, todos sus esfuerzos eran por salvarse. Yo no creo que Velasco sea un héroe realmente, porque, como él dijo, no hizo nada heroíco para serlo. Opino que Velasco finalmente contó la verdad porque ya estaba cansado de guardárselo para él mismo, y que los demás piensen que su cuento de la tormenta era la verdadera versión.
Revolución Industrial: Involución Sanitaria
En ese momento, no había probabilidad de vida después de los 40. Diferentes enfermedades, cómo el cólera, tuberculosis y viruela, atacaron. Las principales causas eran pobreza, mala alimentación, etc. Los doctores no sabían que las provocaban, por lo que no se podía hacer mucho.
Luego se hicieron actos para darle una mejor calidad de vida a la gente. Esta mejoró y las muertes disminuyeron.
miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014
Concecuencias del cambio climático
Advirtieron que se expande la incidencia del dengue y el Chagas por el cambio del clima, la migraciones, el aumento del tráfico aéreo y terrestre.