Lost was a drama series which premiered in 2004 and lasted until 2010. The plot develops around a group of people who, after their plane crashes, are stranded in a mysterious island. It is considered to be one of the best ones ever made by many fans and critics, even winning an Emmy Award for “Outstanding Drama Series” in 2005.
Its pilot episode opens with the main character, Jack, waking up after the catastrophe. Everything is on fire and survivors are desperately trying to save themselves. It seems an interesting beginning. However, it soon managed to make me lose all my interest in it.
To begin with, the main character, conveniently a doctor, quickly shows his insufferable hero-wannabe attitude by risking his life to save everyone in danger. And the clichés don’t even stop there. He meets a lady with whom he shares 5 minutes before falling deeply in love with each other.
As for technical issues, there aren’t many positive things to be said either. The image is way too dark to follow what is happening sometimes. Furthermore, 45 minutes is extremely long for a first episode that intends to hook people, and where nothing actually happens.
Although it’s well-known that pilot episodes are in no way what the entire show will completely look like, as even The Office’s pilot is rather bad at first, this one made me not even want to watch the next episode to see what happens with the cliffhanger left. If you really want to watch an outstanding drama series, I highly recommend Game of Thrones. Don’t waste time on this kind of trash.
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