domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

This is not the End

In Literature class, we read and analyzed three poems; "Song", "The Clod and The Pebble" and "Passion". For this asignment, we were asked to write a poem with the subject of one of these poems. For mine, I chose "a poem describing a revelation or a change of state", as in "Passion".

This is not the End

All alone, here I am
On that little square you used to take me into town
But the magic is not here anymore
Not since you faded away

Now I’m walking trough the busy street
Where the avenue and the train station meet
I see smiles on people’s faces
But I can’t even try to fake one

Searching in my mind for the memories we’ve got together
Your whisper came to me as if you were still here
 “Don’t look back, live your life, there’s no time for the past,
But this is not the end; we’ll find each other someday”.

It got into my soul, it got into my heart
My eyes shone as bright as the sun
The battle of my thoughts ended,
Sadness vanished.
I understood now, or story we’ll never be finished. 

Resultado de imagen para woman sitting alone

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016

Sostén vital

Al estar estudiando el Sistema Ósteo Artro Muscular (SOAM), decidimos realizar una disección de hueso largo, en este caso, fémur de vaca. En la misma, y siguiendo una guía, reconocimos todas sus partes y funciones.
A continuación se encuentra una intervención de una foto sacada en la experiencia que hice, donde se señalan las partes. Además, una presentación con otras de las fotos tomadas y más información.


viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016


In Literature class, we read and analysed the story Billenium by JG Ballard. We made a presentation with information and the analysis below.